There was a delicate knock on my open Place of work door. I looked up to see Fawn, our latest Workplace assistant, poking her head in. "Justification me Aysia, Frank in accounting instructed me to drop off these papers." "Oh, yes," I stated, "I've been anticipating These, are available in sure to are available in. Thanks for bringing them by." "Oh, It really is my satisfaction Aysia. I'm so glad to working right here." Fawn experienced only been with the corporation a handful of weeks so I finished what I had been carrying out to inquire her how she favored her work and for making small communicate. I want to make new personnel truly feel comfy. Fawn was an excellent identify for her. She was probably no more than eighteen or 19. Her blonde hair was Lower in a short pixie style. She could not are already much more than 5' two" or 5'three" tall. I guessed that she weighed no more than a hundred kilos. I also discovered inside the small time she had been with our organization, that whatever she wore her magnificent petite figure was constantly on Screen. She had a very small tapered midsection in addition to a cute driving that showed when she wore limited slacks. Her legs, while slender, were being exceptionally toned. And she or he always looked as if it would put on blouses that showed off what appeared to be best perky teenager's breasts. In a very term she was stunning. Now she was carrying a brief pleated skirt as well as a comfortable angora sweater. She was bare legged and on her feet had been strappy minor substantial-heeled sandals. I glimpsed at her very small ft, which gave the impression to be flawlessly saved including her pink painted nails. As we talked a little far more I noticed that she appeared a tiny bit anxious. So I questioned her, "Fawn, is everything Okay?" "Oh Of course Aysia, it's just that I desired to check with you sort of a personal concern." Now I used to be intrigued. What could this female-boy or girl maybe want to know that made her this anxious? "Go forward Fawn; I haven't any tricks...hearth absent." "Nicely, Aysia....It really is just that You usually appear to gown so completely....and also you tend to be the manager and everything...I was just questioning if you could potentially inform me in which you get your outfits and every thing. Could you give me some ideas regarding how to dress for organization? You are aware of...gown for fulfillment?" God...I just wanted to eat her up suitable there on the place...I am 27 but Abruptly I felt Considerably older. "Obviously Fawn...I will Provide you with some ideas. I am going to show you what...I have a bit more perform to carry out and after that I am heading straight dwelling. This is my deal with ... why not arrive by tonight at about eight And that i'll provide you with everything in my closets and educate you everything I realize." "Wow! Would you Aysia? That will be so neat!" Rapidly she seemed like she was 16 again. I was so on the lookout ahead to training this lovable youthful Woman all the things I understood. "Good...see you at 8! Now allow me to do some do the job, " I smiled. She turned and I watched Individuals perfectly toned legs of hers have her out the doorway. The moment she left I cleared my desk and locked my door and left for dwelling. I desired to have all the things ready when she arrived. --------------------------- As soon as I acquired property I showered and placed on a short robe. Then I went towards the Bed room and place a handful of new scented candles while in the holders spread with regard to the Bed room. I have fifteen candle holders but I not often light a lot more than two or a few at a time....tonight I had been likely to light-weight all 15....just a couple had been scented...The remainder were being standard candles. I lit the candles and turned off every one of the home the area was bathed in the gentle heat glow of the candles. Best, I believed. I opened the Home windows...outside the house the temperature was an ideal 70 levels and Nearly no humidity...a scarcely perceptible breeze wafted in the room. I drew down the bedcovers...freshly laundered sheets adorned the mattress..... Upcoming I went to my dresser and chosen a set of my finest pantyhose. I pulled out a refreshing package deal of Wolford Deadly pantyhose having a shimmery nude complete....when Wolford introduced they had been discontinuing this design I purchased each pair I could obtain. These pantyhose are seamless which design and shade are my most loved. I took off my robe and pulled over the pantyhose....Placing them on is sort of much better than sex alone....I pulled them on and stood up. I felt my sexual intercourse start to get wet. I admired the glossy sheen that included my legs. My legs had in no way seemed so smooth. I put my robe back again on. The one thing which i necessary to do was select a pair of sneakers to don... I selected my slip-on mules with 4-inch heels. I had been Completely ready! ---------------- And afterwards...a knock within the doorway..... I walked immediately to the doorway and opened it. Fawn was standing there with a nervous smirk. I questioned her to return in and sit down. "How does one truly feel Fawn," I requested. "Just a little anxious," she answered. "Well, Fawn...there is certainly very little to generally be nervous about...I'm just planning to show you a number of things....Alright?" "Okay...I sense better currently" "Rise up fawn...allow me to look at you." She stood up and pirouetted nervously... She was breathtaking... Rather than the pleated skirt she was putting on before she was now carrying a good and very limited black skirt. And also the sweater were replaced by a crisp white collared shirt...the best buttons were unbuttoned properly past her boobs and almost to her she turned I caught a glimpse of her perky breasts....she was not wearing a bra.... They appeared tiny...but perfectly formed. And on her ft were being some the sexiest significant heeled sandals I would at any time noticed....the straps ended up so skinny they ended up Virtually invisible. Now I used to be having nervous. I started to sense a little warm and flushed. "Sit down Fawn," I instructed. "I don't see anything at all Mistaken...You mostly costume so properly...similar to now." As she sat down her legs parted and her shorter skirt hiked up and I seen she was not donning panties. "Well, inform you the reality...I'm pleased with just how I costume...It truly is your pantyhose...I want to put on pantyhose such as you do...but I can't seem to locate pantyhose that seem like yours. Yours are so captivating looking. Your legs normally appear so easy and glossy." " that each one? Which is quick...I can assist you with that. Come with me sweetie." She adopted me as I walked to the bedroom. "Alright are my pantyhose." I pulled open all of the drawers to my pantyhose dresser...the dresser experienced 8 drawers ... 4 were being crammed with new unopened packages of pantyhose of each manufacturer and magnificence. The opposite 4 were crammed with folded pantyhose I had worn currently... "There you go Fawn...get your decide." "Wow, Aysia! I in no way knew there have been so many kinds." "Oh yes'll find a number of types...styles and colours for all unique instances." "Okay," Fawn questioned..."So how do you know what sorts to acquire?" "Nicely, Fawn...At first many of the pantyhose I purchase needs to be hot. Both the design or coloration. And by attractive I also necessarily mean incredibly sheer.....and really shiny. Gentlemen like to see a woman in sheer, shiny nylons." "Wow!" she exclaimed... "Which is so cool! Are you able to display me the sexiest type you have?" "Perfectly, Fawn...I'm donning the sexiest design and style I personal right now. Would you prefer to check out them?" "Oh Indeed, Aysia....I might love to see them." With which i opened my robe and threw it on the mattress...I stood in advance of her....totally now I was respiration complete breasts were heaving and as I appeared down I recognized a slight sheen of perspiration was forming on them. I was actually psyched...revealing my nakedness clad only in sheer nylon to this sweet younger factor. I distribute my pantyhose clad legs and began to run my hands across my satiny thighs...and then up toward my nylon protected crotch and my freshly shaven pussy. "See how nice my legs appear Once i have on these Fawn?" She gasped a little bit and smirked yet again.... "Wow, Aysia! Those people are stunning! Your legs appear so easy in These. Am i able to really feel them?" "Certainly Fawn...come listed here and operate your arms about them...these are generally imported pantyhose...from Austria. These are quite expensive." She moved closer and as she did she dropped to her knees...concurrently her arms moved slowly and gradually over the silky pantyhose that encased my legs and thighs. She ran her fingers little by little up and down my legs...which were being hardly trembling....and then she ran her fingers ever so slowly but surely across my nylon protected pussy...her fingers lingered as she massaged my nylon coated sexual intercourse... It had been everything I could do to help keep from wetting myself! She stood up and smiled. "You were being ideal Aysia...They give the impression of being captivating they usually come to feel alluring too! Do you have a pair of Those people for me that I could attempt on?" "Certain Fawn...Are you interested in to try them on now?" "Oh, yes!" And with that...devoid of even asking Fawn begun using off her apparel....what there was of these...initially she unbuttoned the several buttons of her blouse that were buttoned and threw the it on the floor. Next she taken off her skirt....unzipping the back again and wriggling outside of it. She still left her sandals on. And there she her nakedness...unashamed.... Just before me stood essentially the most ideal specimen of youthful flowering womanhood I'd at any time observed....her younger fantastic overall body stood prior to me bathed during the golden yellow glow in the candles... I could not at any time remember looking at a female physique this fantastic....even in high school. Her breasts were perfectly shaped...they seemed to be 34 B's...but the most completely formed boobs I'd ever witnessed. Her midsection was even tinier than I had imagined...and her hips ended up perfectly flared ...her tummy flat and toned all bringing about her perfectly shaped excellent mound of intercourse...her pussy was easy and hairless aside from a skinny neatly trimmed vertical strip of soppy pubic hair... Her clean hairless skin was tanned all over. Once more I marveled at her excellent legs...properly outlined calves that led down to her tapered ankles and her magnificent very small feet that looked like they had never ever experienced a callous or blister. "Change all over sweetie....let me check out all of you." She giggled as she pirouetted Once more...and now there it had been ... her great ass was right before me...Definitely of the most fantastically spherical and organization seeking asses I'd ever observed on a woman of her sizing.... Jennifer Lopez might be envious of this ass. I couldn't hold out to check out it included with sheer nylon. My pussy tingled somewhat in anticipation. "Fawn...Are you aware that you will be attractive?" She giggled once again. "Alright...Let's have a look at if I've some pantyhose that in good shape you...I do think I've a pair just like the type I am carrying and within your measurement also." "Actually? That could be good...I really like Individuals." With which i retrieved a set of Lethal Neon pantyhose in an extra smaller size...and exactly the same colour as I used to be carrying.... "Right here, sit down sweetie and place these on." She sat on the edge with the mattress...I handed her the hose and she gathered 1 foot and pulled it on and afterwards the opposite....she stood up and wriggled into the hose as she pulled them above her tiny midsection. She slipped her sandals again on and walked in the direction of a complete duration mirror... She stood prior to the mirror smoothing the hose more than her legs as I looked for The 1st time at her fantastic ass which was now clad in shiny sheer pussy was having wetter...the many nerves in my human body tingled in the sight of the around excellent lady who stood just before me...naked except for hot sandals and creamy easy sheer nylon that encased her legs....she circled and threw her arms out .. just as if to convey...look at me! I gasped ... the sight of her Pretty dewy cunt encased inside the silky nylon and shimmering during the candlelight was in excess of I could acquire...I felt weak... I bought to the mattress and lay on my again and stretched out arm about my head...while Fawn ongoing to display her new pantyhose. "Thanks Aysia...I love these.....can I hold them?" "Sure, sweetie, you may continue to keep them...they look wonderful on you." And with that she threw herself to the bed...landing on top of me...."Thanks Aysia," she squealed in girlish delight." She hugged she did her nylonned included thighs squeezed against my she lay on top of me I slowly and gradually rolled around making sure that now she was beneath nylon covered thighs and pussy had been now firmly pinned her versus the cleanse neat sheets... She looked up at me and smiled...and with that I moved nearer to I did her mouth moved to my entire breasts and she or he bit by bit started out kissing them...moaning as she slowly but surely lavished focus on Each and every breast....her tongue swirled all-around my nipples...very first just one and then the opposite.....sucking and she did I held myself higher than her with both arms from the thrust up situation.... My nylon lined hips were grinding versus hers...she moaned some additional after which with one hand she arrived at up and pulled my head near to hers....her lips identified mine...she thrust her tongue inside of my heat mouth...we kissed...I hungrily thrust my tongue in her gentle mouth...we created animal Seems as we lavished kisses upon each lipstick smeared....I continued to grind my nylon coated pussy from her sweet mound....she reciprocated by grinding her pussy far more furiously than me.... We stopped kissing and she or he looked at me sweetly as we continued our nylon fuck.... "Oh, God, Aysia...fuck me remember to....fuck my cunt...I love sure to fuck me! FUCK ME More durable........OH You should FUCK ME!!!!!!" wetness began to seep through the nylon....I was so hot....I wondered if I could keep up using this magnificent creature.... Our hips ongoing to grind and sway.... And then all of a sudden she flipped me I had been on the she did she right away moved in direction of my cunt together with her what gave the look of granny pantyhose pics An immediate her mouth was sucking my cunt through the moist nylon....she was an animal she sucked she palms held her head ...I grabbed her small blond hair and pushed her head on to my crotch was soaking wet now....she sucked my pussy a little bit more and afterwards in a flash she was on her again... "Aysia!!!!! Now!!! Consume me...try to eat my cunt....consume my cunt with the pantyhose!!!!!! Please AYSIA!!! Consume MY CUNT!!! OH Make sure you....MAKE ME CUM," she screamed...I used to be worried the neighbors would hear her in the open up windows.... With that I moved towards her perfect sexual intercourse...her fantastic hairless pussy...I could see that she was damp.....the shiny nylon clung to her perfect hairless mound....I ended for just a 2nd to admire its natural beauty from the candlelight...she absolutely was stunning....little by little my tongue darted and skipped across her nylon included cunt...she quivered.....she reached back again and grabbed the headboard with equally she did she thrust her hips skyward....and as an alternative to flicking my tongue. I started to lap her cunt...sucking at it from the nylon....her juices dancing on my tongue....her hips continued to sway and grind...I grabbed her nylon included ass and guided it toward my mouth as I continued to lap at her really cunt...I had been in heaven.... ...I in no way wanted this to end...... And afterwards she screamed..."Aysia!!!! Let's FUCK some additional...Oh p-p-p-you should Aysia...FUCK ME PLEASE!!!!!!!" With that we both of those embraced nylonned pussy grinding versus hers.....we kissed passionately...hungrily.....our bodies had been now best harmony it seemed....we have been equally soaking moist....with sweat...the candlelight gleaming from the our soaked, gleaming bodies...... And after that....just after what seemed like an hour or so....her entire body shuddered and quivered as she screamed in ecstasy....she was cumming...and inside seconds soon after her I way too had distinction to her screams when we fucked her orgasm was silent and sweet....I moaned...this was amongst my extra pleasurable any time! Our pantyhosed pussies had been soaked...the feeling was delectable... Soon after a couple of minutes.....she checked out me sweetly...with then she wrapped her slender arms all around me....kissed me evenly over the cheek...and fell asleep in my arms...her fairly head resting on my total breasts.... Fawn experienced properly completed her initial lesson in Pantyhose Appreciation! And she handed with traveling hues!